New England Forestry

Caroline Campano and Amy Bright walk with Youth Education Director Tara Pratt
by Beth Pelton
Fall and Spring Program

Meet us in the forest! This lesson will include New England tree and plant identification to examine the density and diversity of the forest. Students will learn how to conduct plot sampling, identify local tree species, identify tree condition, find average tree size, and more.

Grades: 5+

Program Length: 1.5hrs

Fees: Programs are $10 per person/student. Small groups are welcome, but there is a minimum of $150 per group to cover the expense of prepping and running the program. One chaperone per 8 children is admitted free of charge. Additional adults are subject to the $5 per person fee. A $60 educator fee will be charged for large groups larger than 25 students. Questions or inquiries can be sent to our Education Center or call 603-357-7278 ext. 104.

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